VCE Further Learning Pathway

Year 11 and 12 Further Learning Pathway

The Dromana College VCE Further Learning Pathway is an UNSCORED (no ATAR) VCE Certificate which provides a hybrid learning program for students who do not want or need an ATAR it is for students who do not want to go to university directly after Year 12.

The VCE Further Learning Pathway allows students to start moving towards their future career while completing their formal secondary schooling.

The VCE Further Learning Pathway consists:


  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Certificate Course (II or III)

  • Wednesday

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)

  • Friday*

The VCE Further Learning Pathway is a blend of:

  • School
  • Certificate level qualification (Certificate II or III)
  • Structured Workplacement

Student school program will consist:

  • English
  • Maths – General or Foundation Year 11 (strongly recommended for Year 12)
  • 2 Electives*

*Choose from VCE subjects

To receive the VCE Further Learning Pathway, students MUST successfully complete:

  • English (Year 11 and 12)
  • Maths General or Foundation (Year 11, strongly recommended for Year 12)
  • *Elective 1    (Year 11 and 12)
  • *Elective 2   (Year 11 and 12)

PLUS:  *VET Certificate course.
Student must successfully pass Semester 1 and Semester 2.

*VET Certificate Course list below (subject to change)

PLUS: One day Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)  OR one day SBAT*  (Terms 1-4)

VCE Further Learning Pathway students have the opportunity to blend school, work and formal ‘real world’ qualifications alongside completion of their secondary school learning (year 11 and 12).

*SBAT: School Based Apprenticeship OR Traineeship.

Certificate (II or III) component:
There are three Certificate streams: SBAT and VETDSS (Vocational Education Training Delivered in Secondary Schools)

SBAT: School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship

Stream 1: SBAT: Apprenticeship

SBATs are available to students if they know of/or can find an employer who is prepared to sign them up as an Australian Apprentice while they are completing Year 11 and 12.

SBATs are ideal for students who know where their future career lies their future requires a Certificate III Apprenticeship qualification.  Apprenticeships generally take 4yrs to complete and are found in industries such as (but not limited to):

  • Building
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Hairdressing
  • Chef
  • Automotive Mechanic
  • Tiler
  • Brick Layer
  • Sign Writer

Students undertaking an SBAT (Apprenticeship) undergo a legal ‘sign up’ process with a legal Training Plan which includes: One day at TAFE/Trade school and one day weekly structured paid workplacement with their employer.

The student can then start undertaking first year apprenticeship units at ‘trade school’ (TAFE) and one day workplacement with employer, while completing Years 11 and 12.

A typical SBAT (Apprenticeship) would look like:

  • School: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
    2 Electives
  • TAFE one day a week undertaking industry specific Certificate  III qualifications
  • Paid industry specific workplace learning one day a week.

A student will continue their SBAT throughout the Senior school years and by the end of Year 12 the student may potentially* have reduced their First Year Apprenticeship by up to 3 months at school, instead of starting their Apprenticeship after Year 12.
SBAT Apprenticeships are available to students from 15yrs.

Once the student has successfully completed Year 12 the student simply continues with the Apprenticeship full time.

(*Time reduced is dependent on SBAT start date)

Stream 2: SBAT (Traineeship)

Similar to an SBAT Apprenticeship however the Certificate training is completed in one year.

  • School: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
  • English
    General Maths or Foundation
  • 2 Electives
  • TAFE one day a week undertaking industry specific Certificate III qualifications
  • Paid industry specific workplace learning one day a week

Traineeships are generally completed in 12 months, unlike Apprenticeships which take up to 4yrs to complete.

Traineeships can be offered by any industry  (where Apprenticeship is not required) and are available to students from 15yrs.

Successful completion of a Traineeship give students ‘real world’ Certificate III qualification, set in ‘real world’ industry work spaces, with mandatory one day a week workplacement, and one day a week TAFE.

Some SBAT traineeships offer Certificates that are prerequisite qualifications for higher level post Year 12  TAFE Certificates, meaning they can be used as a Certificate pathway to undertake a higher qualification upon completion of Year 12.

SBAT qualifications lead directly to employment.

School Based Traineeships available in either Year 11 or 12

  • Allied Health (real world qualification for Aged Care)
  • Early Childhood Education (Prerequisite Certificate for Diploma Early Childhood > Bachelor Primary Education)
  • Fitness (Prerequisite Certificate for Certificate IV Fitness)
  • Information Technology (real world qualification for ICT industry)
  • Warehousing and Logistics Reece Plumbing
  • Retail Reece Plumbing

Students are only able to undertake ONE traineeship in either Year 11 or 12. (Traineeships are Federally funded programs and can only be accessed once, however students are able to undertake post school traineeships)

SBATs, either Apprenticeship or Traineeship are suitable for students who know their pathway or would like to complete real world qualifications that lead to paid employment post Year 12.

Stream 3 VETDSS

VETDSS certificates are:

  • Generally Certificate II qualifications (but can be Certificate III)
  • Take TWO YEARS to complete the full qualification
  • Can be a pre-apprenticeship course – ie Carpentry, Electrical
  • Can be also be a ‘taster’. – a way for a student to find out if this is where their future may or may not be
  • Delivered at either Chisholm or a local secondary college
  • Compulsory in Year 11 VCE Further Learning Pathway


The VETDSS program has a range of Certificate II/III level qualifications a very limited number are pre-apprenticeship courses completed over two years (10 and 11 or 11 and 12)

However most VETDSS certificate courses are ‘taster’ qualifications for students who may still be unsure about their pathway and want to ‘experience’ entry level Certificate qualifications.

The suite of VETDSS offerings is vast.

*VET subject list (as of 2023, may change for 2024)
See list below: Vocational Major and Further Learning VET options

  • Most VETis Certificates take two years to complete the Certificate.
  • Limited number of VETDSS can be completed in a school year – check with pathways office.
  • Very limited number of VETDSS are NOT completed after 2 years – check with pathways office.
  • Students are NOT automatically enrolled in 2nd year of Certificate – check with pathways office (2023 year 11 students who wish to continue with their VET in 2024)
  • VETDSS /SBAT is COMPULSORY in Year 11.
  • If you DO NOT successfully complete ALL units of your Certificate (units are delivered weekly at TAFE) you may not successfully pass Year 11
  • VETDSS classes CANNOT be ‘made up’
  • At least 80% attendance is compulsory. More than 6 absences over the year may result in unsuccessful completion of Year 11

A student can enrol in a different VETDSS in Year 12 if they wish to try something new.

  • VETDSS certificates run for the full school year.
  • If a student decides they don’t like it once they’ve started, they cannot leave the Certificate or move to another one. They must continue with their chosen VETDSS until the end of the year or they risk not completing Year 11.

Enrolment timelines for VETDSS Certificates are VERY STRICT.

  • Part one of the enrolment process is completion of online Dromana College google document.
  • Parents and students (school email) will be emailed this google doc enrolment form around September/October (2023) from our VETDSS coordinator Leigh Moreton.
  • Leigh will enter the details you have supplied into the Chisholm portal
  • You will then receive an email from Chisholm with the final enrolment process.
  • YOU MUST complete this final Chisholm enrolment process or you WILL NOT secure a place in the VETDSS

DO NOT ignore the email from Chisholm.

Places in VETDSS are NOT guaranteed and are filled on a first come, first in basis as you are competing for places against all the secondary colleges on the Peninsula, Frankston and surrounds.

If you do not hear anything about VET by October (2023) from the College (or parents, from your child) THEY ARE LIKELY NOT ENROLLED.

Please contact Leigh to organise enrolment, 59 87 2805 or

Please note: If you would like to undertake VET certificate  in Active Volunteering or Sport and Recreation, run at Dromana College, all you need to do is  make sure you add that in your subject selection (mid term II) and it will be added to your Jumpstart timetable.
You do not need to do anything else.

SWL: Structured Workplace Learning

The SWL exposes students to industry specific work placement at a workplace chosen by them.

SWL is undertaken one day a week during the school year.

Ideally SWL should match your VETDSS ie: VETDSS Certificate II Salon Assistant , your SWL should ideally be with Hairdresser, so that what you are learning at TAFE you are able to put into practice in your weekly SWL.

SWL is driven by the employer – they decide how how long you have the SWL placement for – a term, a month, a year, a day.

SWL minimum payment is $5 per day unless employer decides to pay you more. Not for profit businesses ie: schools, charities do not have to pay anything.

There is legal, OH&S documentation that must be completed before commencement of  SWL, collect from Pathways office

  • SWL (Ministerial Order 55) form MUST be completed by all parties BEFORE the student attends SWL
  • Additional Industry documentation may also be required ie:
  • Working with Children check – for Childcare, Primary or Secondary School but other employers may require it also
  • Construction Induction Card (CIC) a union requirement for any student working on a building site

See the Pathways office Term III for a full list of VETDSS available in 2024

vcal path