Outdoor and Environmental studies examines some of the ways in which Indigenous peoples and non Indigenous peoples understand and relate to nature through experiencing outdoor environments.

The focus is on individuals and their personal responses to experiencing outdoor environments. Students study the effects of natural changes and impacts of land management practices on the sustainability of outdoor environments by examining a number of case studies of specific outdoor environments, including areas where there is evidence of human intervention.

Unit 1
Connections with outdoor environments.

This unit examines how humans connect with outdoor environments and why these connections are important. They consider a range of contemporary uses and meanings of the term ‘nature’ and examine a variety of outdoor environments. Students are introduced to Indigenous people’s perspectives on the ways humans connect with outdoor environments.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in an expedition along the Glenelg River.

Approximate cost for Glenelg River expedition: $420

Unit 2: 
Discovering outdoor environments

This unit focuses on human activities undertaken in outdoor environments and their impacrs on those environments. Although environmental impacts include both natural and human induced changes on components of the environment, the focus in this area of study i son the observation of impacts of humans, both positive and negative.

Students have the opportunity to participate in a two day cross country ski trip to Mt Baw Baw, together with a coastal bushwalk through the Great Otway National Park.

Approximate cost of camps in Unit 2:
Mt Baw Baw trip $250
Coastal bushwalk $180

Unit 3: Relationships with outdoor environments
The focus of this unit is the ecological, historical and social contexts of relationships between humans and outdoor environments in Australia. Case studies of a range of impacts on outdoor environments are examined in the context of the changing nature of human relationships with outdoor environments in Australia over 60,000 years.

Students have the opportunity to participate in snorkelling camp within the local environment on the Mornington Peninsula at Flinders

Approximate cost of Snorkelling camp: $120

Unit 4: Sustainable outdoor environments
In this unit students explore the sustainable use and management of outdoor environments. They examine the contemporary state of environments in Australia, consider the importance of healthy outdoor environments, and examine the issues in relations to the capacity of outdoor environments to support the future needs of the Australian population.

Students have the opportunity to participate in a 4 day Mt Buller skiing/snowboarding expedition

Approximate cost of Mt Buller expedition: $750

Career Options:
Professional Guides (Bushwalking, Rock Climbing, Rafting, Mountain Biking, Alpine Sports, Surfing), Divers, Environmental Scientists, Ecotourism, National Parks Officers, Outdoor Adventure Officers, Outdoor Education Teachers, Outdoor Environment Administration, Outdoor Environment Management, Rescue Service Officers, Ski Instructors


VCE Physical Education follows theory based work examining the biological, social and cultural influences on performance and participation in physical activity. Students research biomechanical and skill acquisition principles used to analyse human movement skills and energy production from a physiological perspective. Students investigate interplay of the three energy systems to performance in physical activity, sport and exercise. Students analyse movement skills from a physiological, psychological and sociocultural perspective, and apply relevant training principles and methods to improve performance within physical activity at an individual, club and elite level.

Unit 1: The human body in motion

How does the musculoskeletal system work to produce movement?
How does the cardiorespiratory system function at rest and during physical activity?

Unit 2: Physical activity, sport and society

What are the relationships between physical activity, sport, health and society?
What are the contemporary issues associated with physical activity and sport?

Unit 3: Movement skills and energy for physical activity

How are movement skills improved? How does the body produce energy?

Unit 4: Training to improve performance

What are the foundations of an effective training program? How is training implemented effectively to improve fitness?

The VCE PE study design is set to be updated in 2024. As a result, some of the content outlined above may be subject to change.

Career Options

Athlete, Sports Coach, Athlete Manager, Sports Editor, Chiropractor, Sports Commentator, Dietician, Sports Journalist, Fitness Centre Manager, Sports Medicine Practitioner, Fitness Instructor, Sports Psychologist, Nutritionist, Sport Physiotherapist, Personal Trainer, Sports Scientist, Physiologist, Sports Trainer


If you are interested in health promotion, community health, local and global heath issues or environmental health or even if you are not sure which health science area is for you, this subject can help you find your area of interest.

VCE Health and Human Development takes a broad and multidimensional approach to defining and understanding health and wellbeing. Students investigate the World Health Organisation’s definition and other interpretations of health and wellbeing.

Students consider Australian and global contests as they investigate variations in health status between populations and nations.

VCE Health and Human Development is designed to foster health literacy. Students develop their ability to navigate information, to recognise and enact supportive behaviours and to evaluate healthcare initiatives and interventions. VCE Health and Human Development offers students a range of pathways including further formal study in areas such as health promotion, community health research and policy development, humanitarian aid work, allied health practices, education and the health profession.

Unit 1: Understanding health and wellbeing

In this unit, students are introduced to the key concepts of health, including the factors that influence health and wellbeing, with a focus on the lifespan stage of youth. Students explore how nutrition plays a key role in the health status of individuals and conduct an extended inquiry about a major health and wellbeing issue associated with youth in today’s society.

Unit 2: Managing health and development

In this unit students focus on the developmental transition from youth to adulthood, by exploring physical and social changes and the factors that influence the health status of adults. Students are also introduced to the Australian healthcare system, by researching healthcare services in the community and analysing a range of issues associated with new and emerging healthcare technologies.

Unit 3: Australia’s health in a globalised world

This unit of study develops students’ understanding of Australia’s health by investigating burden of disease and factors that influence the health status of population groups within Australia. Unit 3 also explores the different approaches to public health care and investigates the role of health promotion in improving the population’s health status.

Unit 4: Health and human development in a global context

This unit focuses on health, wellbeing and human development in a global context. Students compare the health status of Australia to low, middle and high income countries, and consider the factors that contribute to these health inequalities. Area of study 2 looks at global action to improve worldwide health, wellbeing and human development, with a focus on sustainability.

Career Options

Aged Care, Medical Receptionist, Child Care Worker, Nursing Aide, Child/Youth, Residential Care, Paramedic, Chiropractor, Personal Care Assistant, Dental Assistant Physiotherapist, Dietician, Podiatrist, Enrolled Nurse, Registered Nurse, General Medical Practitioner, Speech Pathologist, Youth Worker, Health Promotion Officer, Medical Imaging Professional.